
Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Some months ago, I read about how bad regular deodorant is for us. It seems that the popular anti-perspirant deodorants contain aluminum chlorhydrate, a toxic compound linked to brain disorders and cancer. Some other new aluminum free anti-perspirants have appeared on the market. But whatever they have in them, if they work at all, stop up the sweat glands and that is also really bad for the immune system.
On the basis of this information, I refused to use any toxic deodorant ever again. I had two choices: go without or find a natural deodorant. I’d noticed that sometimes, in colder weather, I could go without using deodorant and not have any noticeable under-arm odor. But in summer and with heavy exercising, I needed some help to avoid a strong odor. I searched out the commercial natural products. It turned out that the natural deodorants that are commercially available are expensive.

There had to be a better way. I decided to make my own. So, I began to read the DIY blogs on the Internet. I tried a few of their recommendations. Some results of this initial experiments smelled strange or included essential oils that were expensive. Others just didn’t work and I ended up stinking. I didn’t give up. I kept on until I made something that was right for me. Eventually I succeeded.
And I’m sharing this effective (for me, at least) deodorant with you. I’ve never experienced any stains on my clothing. I’ve been using it once a day for a year now, and I swear by it. It’s easy to make, there are just a handful of natural ingredients, and it works.
Personal deodorant made from natural oils and cloves.

Clove and Oil Deodorant Recipe

One of those items in this easy homemade deodorant is clove. Cloves are very healthful. They have powerful antifungal, anitibacterial and antiviral properties.  The oils moisturize the skin. What's more, coconut oil is the 12-carbon Lauric Acid. When digested, it forms a monoglyceride called monolaurin. Both of these acids kill harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi.


1/8 cup organic coconut oil

1/8 cup organic olive oil

5 whole organic cloves

You may use a bit of essential clove oil, if you don't want the whole cloves in the jar. Also they may be removed after a couple of days. The nice clove odor will stay on.

Put the ingredients in a small glass jar. (I use old pimiento jars.) Seal with a lid and keep in your bathroom. The process should take you about 5 minutes.

Use your fingers to spread a pea-sized amount under each arm and rub in for a few seconds. On hot summer days it’s totally melted and in winter it somewhat thicker. It still works well, despite temperature fluctuations. 

Your underarms may go through a short detox period when you’re getting used to your new, chemical-free deodorant. Give the deodorant at least 2-3 weeks to decide if it’s working for you. If you sweat a lot throughout the day or during workouts, you may want to reapply the deodorant another time during the day or use a little after-bath talco or organic cornstarch in addition to this product.

I recommend that you try making your own natural deodorant. Look around for some recipes. I believe that you’ll find one you like. It may well be the simple one described here. Beyond that, you’ll feel much better knowing that you are using a deodorant that is healthy for you and not costly to make.

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